Apricot Street Playground is a small park (2.3 acres) located on the corner of Merchant and Apricot Street near the Worcester-Leicester line. This park features a small playground, a swing set and a few picnic tables. It has been a City Park since 1940.
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The area around Coes Pond offers an accessible, multi-generational park and playground. There are approximately 5 miles of walking trails including the East-West Trail that link John J. Binienda Memorial beach, Columbus Park and Reed Memorial Rectangular Field and playground.
Farber Field is a small 3 acre city park located off of Moreland Street on Camelot Drive, on Worcester's West Side. This park features a newly renovated, synthetic multi-purpose field that hosts soccer teams from Worcester Youth Soccer and Doherty Memorial High School.
Logan Field was purchased in 1928, from the trustees of the Speedway Glens. It was named for James Logan who served as Mayor of the City for four years and was a pioneer in the playground movement. The head of the Blue Square Trail, which leads to God's Acre and Tetasset Ridge, starts here.
Location: 65 Apricot Street - Map
District: 5
Size: 2.3 acres
Parking Lot(s): No