Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 110, the City Clerk accepts filings of Business Certificates by any person, persons or corporations conducting business in the City of Worcester under a company name.
Generally, persons or corporations, individually or in partnership with one another, and doing business in the City of Worcester under a company name must file a business certificate. The certificate is valid for four (4) years from the date of filing. They are renewable thereafter.
Fill out the appropriate form (notarized and signed in black ink) and submit to the City Clerk's Office:
If you are a business owner and wish to discontinue your business, have changed your residence or location of business, or wish to withdraw from your business or partnership you must complete a Statement of Discontinuance and submit to the City Clerk's Office.
You may search the Business Certificate Record database for any DBA filed with the City of Worcester between August 14, 1963 and February 14, 2025 . The certificate is valid for four (4) years from the date of filing. They are renewable thereafter.
City Clerk staff give you an overview of the Business Certificate process.
City Clerk
City Hall Room 206
455 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: 508-799-1121
Fax: 508-799-1194
Email Us
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Office Hours:
8:45 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday
8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.