The Municipal Calendar for Worcester, MA includes Public Agency Meetings, Neighborhood Watch Meetings, Senior Center Events and other municipal sponsored events. More Worcester and Central Massachusetts events can be found by viewing our Worcester Common Oval Calendar and/or visiting the Discover Central Massachusetts Events Calendar.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021 and in order to ensure active, public engagement, the City of Worcester currently allows for both in-person and remote participation at all City Council and Standing Committee meetings - Learn More
WRTA SERVICE CHANGES - The WRTA is having service changes ON FRIDAYS ONLY starting January 27, 2023 - Learn More
This monthly meeting for the elderly/disabled tenants will take place in the 1st. floor function room. Tenants can provide the Worcester Police Officer on scene with any unused prescription medication for proper disposal at the WPD Station Lobby medication lock box. Note: No hypodermic needles.
This monthly meeting for the elderly.disabled tenants will take place in the basement function room. Tenants can provide the Worcester Police Officer on scene with any unused prescription medication for proper disposal at the WPD Station Lobby medication lock box. Note: No hypodermic needles.
Discussion: Fun with Fair Use - Stealing Art for Fun & Profit
This WHA tenant meeting for the elderly/disabled will take place in the main function room attached to the laundry room. (U.S. & MA flags are mounted on the front of the building). Tenants can provide the Worcester Police Officer on scene with any unused prescription medication for proper disposal at the WPD Station Lobby medication lock box. Note: No hypodermic needles. WHA Management & Staff will provide reports and updates for the tenants. WPD will provide a statistical data report for the tenants.
On Wednesday Feruary 19th The Grafton Hill Neighborhood Association will hold it's February meeting at 1800hrs in the Community Room of the Mass Audubon located @ 414 Massasoit Rd.
The meeting will be held in Worcester Academy's Warner Hall. First brick building on the left once you enter the property. Directly behind the security building. This meeting is attended by elected officials, Worcester Academy Stsff, City of Worcester Employees, WPD, and most importently, neighborhood residents. Residents can bring any unused prescription to the meeting for proper disposal. The Worcenter Police Officer will collect any medications and properly dispose of them a the WPD Station Lobby medication lock box. Note: No hypodermic needles.
Moved to March 3, 2025
There is a twenty dollar ($20.00) charge for residents of the City of Worcester and a thirty-five dollar ($35.00) charge for non-residents (non-refundable). We accept cash, checks or money orders payable to the City of Worcester (no charge or debit cards accepted). You must register in advance at the Worcester Police Department License Division, Monday through Friday between 8 and 11:30 a.m., and 1 and 2:30 p.m. Space for each course is limited and availability is on a first-come-first served basis.
**** Be Advised ****
Firearms Identification Cards (FID) and License to Carry's (LTC) are processed by appointment only. Please call the License Division at 508-799-8648 between the hours of 8 - 11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment.
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on February 24th at St. Bernard's Church
Event URL:
Event Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
Event Access Code: 161 554 7889
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
Event URL:
Event Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
Event Access Code: 161 599 2759
Event URL:
Event Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
Event Access Code: 160 015 8172
Event URL:
Event Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
Event Access Code: 161 499 9501
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
Discussion: How to Learn Any Creative Skill
A Public Informational Meeting will be held by MassDOT to discuss proposed project No. 610535, Worcester-Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements, Pleasant Street.
Please join us for our monthly Tatnuck Square Neighborhood Meeting at the First Congregational Church on Monday, March 10th, 2025. 6PM
There is a twenty dollar ($20.00) charge for residents of the City of Worcester and a thirty-five dollar ($35.00) charge for non-residents (non-refundable). We accept cash, checks or money orders payable to the City of Worcester (no charge or debit cards accepted). You must register in advance at the Worcester Police Department License Division, Monday through Friday between 8 and 11:30 a.m., and 1 and 2:30 p.m. Space for each course is limited and availability is on a first-come-first served basis.
**** Be Advised ****
Firearms Identification Cards (FID) and License to Carry's (LTC) are processed by appointment only. Please call the License Division at 508-799-8648 between the hours of 8 - 11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment.
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on March 13th at St. Michael's Church
The City of Worcester holds drop-off days specifically for household hazardous waste. Household hazardous waste drop-off is by appointment only. We will only accept waste from Worcester residents and proof of residency is required. We reserve the right to refuse unidentified materials and large amounts of hazardous waste. Limit of 25 gallons or 25 pounds.
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
There is a twenty dollar ($20.00) charge for residents of the City of Worcester and a thirty-five dollar ($35.00) charge for non-residents (non-refundable). We accept cash, checks or money orders payable to the City of Worcester (no charge or debit cards accepted). You must register in advance at the Worcester Police Department License Division, Monday through Friday between 8 and 11:30 a.m., and 1 and 2:30 p.m. Space for each course is limited and availability is on a first-come-first served basis.
**** Be Advised ****
Firearms Identification Cards (FID) and License to Carry's (LTC) are processed by appointment only. Please call the License Division at 508-799-8648 between the hours of 8 - 11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment.
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on March 31st at St. Bernard's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on April 10th at St. Michael's
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The City of Worcester holds drop-off days specifically for household hazardous waste. Household hazardous waste drop-off is by appointment only. We will only accept waste from Worcester residents and proof of residency is required. We reserve the right to refuse unidentified materials and large amounts of hazardous waste. Limit of 25 gallons or 25 pounds.
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on April 28th at St. Bernard's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on May 8th at St. Michael's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on May 26th at St. Bernard's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on June 12th at St. Michael's Church
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The City of Worcester holds drop-off days specifically for household hazardous waste. Household hazardous waste drop-off is by appointment only. We will only accept waste from Worcester residents and proof of residency is required. We reserve the right to refuse unidentified materials and large amounts of hazardous waste. Limit of 25 gallons or 25 pounds.
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on June 30th at St. Bernard's Church
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on July 10th at St. Michael's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on July 28th at St. Bernard's Church
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on August 14th at St. Michael's Church
The City of Worcester holds drop-off days specifically for household hazardous waste. Household hazardous waste drop-off is by appointment only. We will only accept waste from Worcester residents and proof of residency is required. We reserve the right to refuse unidentified materials and large amounts of hazardous waste. Limit of 25 gallons or 25 pounds.
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The monthly Green Hill Mtg will take place on August 25th at St. Bernard's Church
The monthly Green Hill Mtg will take place on August 25th at St. Bernard's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on September 11th at St. Michael's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on September 29th at St. Bernard's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on October 9th at St. Michael's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Green Hill Mtg will take place on October 27th at St. Bernard's Church
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on November 13th at St. Michael's Church
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
The Burncoat / Greendale Mtg will take place on December 11th at St. Michael's Church
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913
Please note - This agenda is a combined City Council and City Manager agenda. To view the City Manager portion of the agenda, please use the following link, or visit the "Current/Upcoming Agendas" page of the City of Worcester's website:
This meeting is open to the public for in-person participation.
For virtual participation, please join via our Zoom for Government virtual platform:
City Council Zoom Link:
City Council Zoom Phone Number: +1 646 828 7666
City Council Zoom Access Code: 161 363 1913