The City of Worcester places a high importance on diversity. This includes the many businesses that keep this city alive and thriving. The Diverse Business Directory helps you discover businesses in Worcester that are owned by a broad spectrum of people, such as those with disabilities, veteran status, women, LGBTQIAs, minorities or New Americans. The purpose of this directory is to highlight which businesses are diversely-owned, so that other small businesses, larger businesses, customers or potential clients who wish to work with or support these businesses can connect with each other. Explore the directory by searching on a business name, an industry or a self-identification category.
If you are a business of diverse ownership yourself and would like to be a part of this directory, please click on the button below to fill out and submit your entry!
In order to be listed in the Diverse Business Directory, your business must be majority-owned (at least 51% ownership) by one or more of the following categories: Disability, LGBTQIA+, Minority, New American, Woman or Veteran.
Please note that the information listed in this directory is for informational purposes only, it does not serve as an endorsement or verification of a business by the City of Worcester.
You may search the Diverse Business Directory for any business that elected to list their information.
Total Diverse Businesses Listed: 314 - View All
Economic Development
City Hall 4th Floor
455 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: 508-799-1400
Fax: 508-799-1406
Email Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.