If interested, please submit an Online Application to the City Manager's Office. Your information will be kept on file by the CAC and will be used to screen candidates as openings occur. The CAC looks forward to receiving your application, which will receive the most careful consideration.
Convene at least two meetings per year that are held at the Worcester Airport and open to the public.
Act as an advisory committee to the Authority for review and reaction with regard to decisions made by the Authority in connection with the operation and development of Worcester Airport as outlined in the 2008 Master Plan, as it is amended from time to time; provide continued communication between the Authority and Worcester and Leicester as the two communities wherein the Airport is located.
Convene at least two meetings per year, which meetings shall be held at Worcester Airport and shall be open to members of the public.
Worcester must appoint Worcester residents (4); Leicester must appoint Leicester residents (2); MassPort must appoint citizens that reside within ten miles of the Aiport boundary, provided that two of the three reside within the City of Worcester (3). Members must have knowledge, experience and interest in aviation, economic development, planning, land use development and environmental issues.