Traffic and Parking Committee Meeting

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Esther Howland (South) Chamber

Convened: 6:00 P.M.

Adjourned: 6:39 PM

Joseph M. Petty


Clerk of the City Council
Susan M. Ledoux

Committee Members

Chairperson Matthew E Wally
Vice Chairperson Candy Mero-Carlson
Councilor Konstantina B Lukes

City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts

Present Were:Chairperson Councilor Matthew E Wally Councilor Konstantina B Lukes
Also:Assistant Director of Traffic Engineering Ali Khorasani; Junior Engineer Michael Murphy; Senior Transportation Planner Brian Pigeon; Police Lt. Timothy Walsh; City Clerk Susan M. Ledoux, clerk

Approval of Minutes


Order - That the City Council Standing Committee of Traffic and Parking hereby approves the minutes of the Traffic and Parking Committee meeting of October 23, 2019


Chairperson Councilor Wally read the Item and moved to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2019 Traffic and Parking Committee meeting. Motion approved on a voice vote. - Approved


Handicap Parking Petitions


Heather Nascimento request installation of additional handicap parking spaces behind 340 Main St. # 7k CC October 22, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak against the petition, seeing no one he moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approval


Askandar Kilani request removal of a handicap parking space in front of 352 West Boylston St. # 8g CC October 15, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak against the petition, seeing no one he moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approval


Resident Permit Parking Petition


Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson on behalf of Rick Swedberg request installation of resident permit parking in Kenwood Ave. in front of 61, 62, 64, 65 and 67 Kenwood Ave. # 7i CC May 29, 2018


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak against the petition. Hunter Foot, spoke in opposition, owner of 65 Kenwood Ave. Chairperson Wally moved to hold the item since Committee member Councilor Mero-Carlson was not present. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Hold


No Parking Petitions


Isaac Chassman request installation of "No Parking Anytime" signage effective Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., in front of New England Chiropractic, located at 192 Lincoln St. # 9h CC September 17, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and requested if anyone present who wanted to speak concerning the item to come forward. Tom Sizemore of Worcester spoke in opposition. The Chairperson noted the petitioner was not present and moved to place this item on file and further made a motion for a Chairman’s Order to “Request Parking Control Officer provide enforcement of the “No Parking” within 5’ of driveway at 192 Lincoln St.”. Motions approved on a voice vote.

Recommend File

Chairman's Orders

Request Parking Control Officer provide enforcement of the “No Parking” within 5 feet of driveway at 192 Lincoln St.


Melissa Tenczar request installation of "No Parking Anytime" be installed from the beginning of Sunrise Ave. to the turn, which is in front of 11 Sunrise Ave. # 9g CC September 17, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and requested if anyone present who wanted to speak to come forward. The petitioner, Melissa Tenczar and John Farland both spoke in favor of “No Parking” on both sides of Sunrise Ave. The Chairperson requested Assistant Commissioner of Traffic Engineering Ali Khorasani to provide the committee with his recommendation. Mr. Khorasani recommended “No Parking” anytime on the even numbered (east) side for 175’ and not both sides. The Chairperson moved to accept his recommendation and requested the residents to see how this works and if this does not relieve all the problems they may file a future petition for the west side. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approval for “No Parking” anytime for 175’ on the east side of Sunrise Ave.


Maria Castillo request driveway clearances at the driveway of 8 Chapin St. # 8k CC October 15, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he moved to place the item on file. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend File


Miscellaneous Items


Petition of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request installation of a stop sign in Albany St. at its intersection with Hill St. # 17f CC June 11, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he requested Assistant Commissioner of Traffic Engineering Mr. Khorasani provide the committee with his recommendation. Mr. Khorasani stated this intersection and does not meet the warrants for a multi-way stop and would recommend filing the petition. The Chairperson moved to hold this item. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Hold


Petition of Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey request relocation of the bus stop in Blithewood Ave., currently located at the east side entrance of Oakwood Lane, to the west side entrance at Oakwood Lane. # 8t CC October 15, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he made a motion to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approval


Petition of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request the eastbound approach of the intersection between Belmont St. and Skyline Dr. be modified to include a dedicated right turn, left turn and thru lane and further, provide advanced signage and pavement marking as required. # 9f CC September 3, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he made a motion to hold since committee member Councilor Mero-Carlson was not present. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Hold


Petition of Evan Corrigan request installation of a solar speed radar to combat speeding on Holden St. # 8y CC September 3, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approve


Petition of Evan Corrigan request installation of a solar speed radar to combat speeding on Fairhaven Rd. # 8z CC September 3, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approve


Petition of Evan Corrigan request installation of children advisory signage at 56 Flagg St. # 8x CC August 13, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted anyone to speak, seeing no one he moved to recommend to place on file. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend File


Petition of Anthony Capozzo request installation of "Thickly Settled 30 mph" signs in Harrington Way, one of which would be posted before Jeanette St. and one at the top of the hill driving towards Hamilton St. # 7f CC April 3, 2018


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he moved to recommend approval off the installation of a “Thickly Settled” Sign and to place on file the installation of speed limit signs. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approval Thickly Settled Sign, File Speed Limit signage


Petition of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request installation of "Thickly Settled" signage in Dominion Rd. # 7r CC July 17, 2018


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approval


Petition of Jake Guzman request installation of a crosswalk and crosswalk advisory signage across Chandler St. in the vicinity of 335 Chandler St. # 6e CC June 11, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak, seeing no one he requested Assistant Commissioner of Traffic Engineering Mr. Khorasani to make a recommendation. Mr. Khorasani recommended the petition be placed on file since the crosswalk has already been installed and any missing signs will be replace. Motion approved on a voice

Recommend File


Petition of Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey request installation of flashing pedestrian lights at the crosswalk at the corner of Nonquit St. and Lake Ave. # 8 CC October 15, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and requested anyone present who wanted to speak to come forward. The following speakers spoke in favor of the petition: Steve Genatassio, Scott Schaeffer Duffy, Wayne Gonsorcik and Councilor Toomey. They all spoke regarding the importance of this safety device to prevent future walkers, runners and children from getting hit by vehicles. Councilor Lukes asked questions regarding cost and the pending list since these devices are subject to funding and offered an option to pay for this device with private funds. Chairperson Wally moved to recommend approval subject to funding and moved for the following Chairman’s Orders - “Request City Manager contact representatives of the MassDOT concerning funding for a pedestrian lights at the crosswalk, at the corner of Nonquit St. and Lake Ave., adjacent to the state park and skating rink” and “Request Traffic Engineer review the signage near the crosswalk at the corner of Nonquit St. and Lake Ave. and install necessary warning signage of alert drivers of the crosswalk in the interest of public safety”. Motions approved on a voice vote.

Recommend Approval subject to funding.

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager contact representatives of the MassDOT concerning funding for a pedestrian lights at the crosswalk, at the corner of Nonquit St. and Lake Ave., adjacent to the state park and skating rink.

Request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks review the signage near the crosswalk at the corner of Nonquit St. and Lake Ave. and install necessary warning signage of alert drivers of the crosswalk in the interest of public safety.


Petition of Alexander Valle request installation of a flashing pedestrian light at the crosswalk next to 91 Stafford St. # 9p CC September 17, 2019


Chairperson Wally read the item and requested anyone present who wanted to speak to come forward. Alexander Valle, the petitioner, spoke in favor. The Chairperson requested Assistant Commissioner of Traffic Engineering Mr. Khorasani to make a recommendation and he recommended to place this petition on file. He stated that there were challenges for installation due to an existing utility pole and a fire hydrant. Assistant Commissioner of Traffic Engineering Mr. Khorasani recommended additional warning signage. Chairperson Wally moved to recommend to place the petition on file and moved for a Chairman’s Order to Request the Traffic Engineer install crosswalk warning signage in the vicinity of the crosswalk in front of 91 Stafford St. Motions approved on a voice vote.

Recommend File

Chairman's Orders

Request the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks install crosswalk warning signage in the vicinity of the crosswalk in front of 91 Stafford St.