Finance Committee Meeting

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Esther Howland (South) Chamber

Convened: 4:10 P.M.

Adjourned: 5:52 P.M.

Joseph M. Petty


Clerk of the City Council
Nikolin Vangjeli

Committee Members

Chairperson Joseph M Petty
Vice Chairperson Donna M Colorio
Councilor Morris A Bergman
Councilor Khrystian E King
Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson
Councilor Sarai Rivera
Councilor Sean M Rose
Councilor Gary Rosen
Councilor George J Russell
Councilor Kathleen M Toomey
Councilor Matthew E Wally

City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts

Present Were:All members were present with the Mayor as the Chair, except for Councilor Rivera, Councilor Rose, and Councilor Wally. Councilor Rose arrived at 4:19 P.M., Councilor Rivera arrived at 4:23 P.M. and Councilor Wally arrived at 5:07 P.M. City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr. Chief Financial Officer Timothy McGourthy Budget Director Erin Taylor Director of Urban Innovation Eric Batista City Auditor Robert V. Stearns City Solicitor Michael Traynor City Clerk Nikolin Vangjeli, clerk
Also:Director of City Energy and Asset Management John Odell Director of Human Resources Dori Vecchio Chief Diversity Officer Stephanie Williams Assistant City Manager Kathleen Johnson

Virtual Attendee Call-in Information


1. Log into the WebEx application via your computer: Esther Howland (South) Chamber: (Please make sure your computer has a microphone).

2. Call into the meeting: Esther Howland (South) Chamber - Phone Number: 415-655-0001 (Access Code: 172 547 0200)

View Budget

Approval of the Minutes


Order - That the City Council Standing Committee of Finance hereby approves the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting on June 1, 2021.

View Budget

Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Rose, Wally absent)


FY 2022 Budget Hearing - Sustainability and Resilience


Sustainability and Resilience - XVII-1, pg. 215

View Budget

Mayor Petty recognized the Chief Financial Officer, who provided an overview of the funds provided in the Sustainability and Resilience Budget.

Mayor Petty recognized the City Manager, who spoke to the Green Worcester Plan, including the city’s energy related assets and their management, as well as organizing the new department.

Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who discussed the department’s role in overseeing Polar Park, as well as the strategies the department will use as it relates to diversity and inclusion with the City Manager and Director of Energy and Asset Management.

Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to approve the budget. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Wally absent).


FY 2022 Budget Hearings - Public Facilities


Public Facilities - XVIII-1, pg. 221

View Budget

Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Russell, who discussed monies associated with UMass operating a field hospital within the DCU Center, as well as the process for collecting funds for the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) with the Chief Financial Officer and the City Manager.

Councilor Russell then moved to, “Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning whether there is a windfall in funding for the DCU Center’s budget and whether funding sources the city provides to the DCU Center is actually an expenditure.”

Councilor Russell then moved to, “Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning whether the city retains any monies associated with collecting funds for the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID), as well as whether those monies are represented in the city’s budget.”

Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who discussed the city’s role collecting funds associated with the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID).

Mayor Petty moved to take items #4a and #4b collectively.

Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to approve the budgets associated with the department. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Wally absent).

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning whether there is a windfall in funding for the DCU Center’s budget and whether funding sources the city provides to the DCU Center can be considered an expenditure. (Russell)

Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning whether the city retains any monies associated with collecting funds for the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID), as well as whether those monies are represented in the city’s budget. (Russell)


DCU Center - XVIII-2, pg. 227

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera. Wally absent) (See Item #4a)


FY 2022 Budget Hearings - Human Resources


Human Resources - X-1, pg. 141

View Budget

Mayor Petty recognized the Chief Financial Officer, who provided an overview of the funds provided in the Human Resources Budget.

Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who discussed how Human Resources manages complaints received against their employees, funds allocated to professional development for succession planning and the funding for employee medical examinations with the Director of Human Resources.

Mayor Petty recognized the City Manager, who acknowledged the Director of Human Resources, who would be moving into a new role outside the city.

Mayor Petty moved to take items #5a through #5d collectively.

Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to approve the budgets associated with the department. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Wally absent).


Worker's Comp/IOD - X-2, pg. 147

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Wally absent) (See Item #5a)


Unemployment Compensation - X-3, pg. 151

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Wally absent) (See Item #5a)


Health Insurance - X-4, pg. 153

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Wally absent) (See Item #5a)


FY 2022 Budget Hearing - Executive Office of Diversity and Inclusion


Executive Office of Diversity and Inclusion - XVI-1, pg. 209

View Budget

Mayor Petty recognized the Chief Financial Officer, who provided an overview of the funds provided in the Diversity and Inclusion Budget.

Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who discussed the department’s process for completing an equity audit with the Chief Diversity Officer and City Manager.

Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to approve the budget. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Wally absent).


FY 2022 Budget Hearings - City Manager's Office


City Manager's Office - XV-1, pg. 197

View Budget

Mayor Petty recognized the Chief Financial Officer, who provided an overview of the funds provided in the City Manager’s Office Budget.

Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who discussed how the City Manager’s contingency account could be used to mitigate concerns around COVID-19, funding associated with a planned cost of living adjustment in the budget and the Fire Department’s safety reforms with the Chief Financial Officer and the City Manager.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Russell, who discussed where the city’s individuals who work in communications are in the department’s organizational chart with the City Manager and Assistant City Manager.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to take items #7a through #7c collectively.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to approve the budgets associated with the department. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rivera, Petty absent).


City Manager's Contingency - XV-2, pg. 203

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rivera, Petty absent) (See Item #7a)


Cable Services - XV-3, pg. 205

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rivera, Petty absent) (See Item #7a)


FY 2022 Budget Hearings - Administration and Finance


Administration and Finance - XIX-1, pg. 229 Assessing - XIX-1, pg. 235 Treasury - XIX-1, pg. 239 Purchasing - XIX-1, pg. 243

View Budget

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Chief Financial Officer, who provided an overview of the funds provided in the Administration and Finance Budget.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to take items #8a through #8c collectively.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to approve the budgets associated with the department. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Petty absent).


Debt Service Principal and Interest - XIX-2, pg. 247

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Petty absent) (See Item #8a)


Pension Obligation Bond - XIX-3, pg. 251

View Budget

Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Petty absent) (See Item #8a)


FY 2022 Budget Hearing - Financial Integrity Plan


Financial Integrity Plan - XX-1, pg. 253

View Budget

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Chief Financial Officer, who provided an overview of the funds provided in the Financial Integrity Plan Budget.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Bergman, who discussed how funds associated with enterprise accounts are represented in the city’s budget, how claims are paid out and how CARES Act Funding could have an effect on enterprise accounts with the Chief Financial Officer, City Manager and City Solicitor.

Councilor Bergman then moved to, “Request City Manager include a listing of the balances within city’s enterprise accounts in future budgets, including information as to how much the accounts have increased and decreased in each past year.”

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Wally, who discussed oversight associated with the OPEB Trust Board, as well as trends in communities with high liabilities associated with their OPEB accounts with the Chief Financial Officer and the City Manager.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Russell, who discussed how federal funds can be used from potential CARES Act Funding, as well as the expenditures within the Financial Integrity Plan with the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer.

Councilor Russell then moved to, “Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the balances of each of the city’s reserves funds.”

Vice Chairperson Councilor King, who discussed the balances within the city’s enterprise accounts with the Chief Financial Officer.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to approve the budget. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Petty absent).

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager include a listing of the balances within city’s enterprise accounts in future budgets, including information as to how much the accounts have increased and decreased in each past year. (Bergman)

Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the balances of each of the city’s reserves funds. (Russell)


FY 2022 Budget Hearing - Line Item Budget


Line Item Budget - XXI-1, pg. 257

View Budget

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor King, who discussed procedures associated with reporting the budget back to City Council with the City Clerk.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to approve the budget. Budget approved on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Petty absent).


Fiscal Year 2022 Budget


Communication of the City Manager recommend approval of the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Operating Budget for City Council review and consideration. # 9.39A CM May 12, 2021

In Committee May 25, 2021 - Held In Committee June 1, 2021 - Held


Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be approved.

Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Petty absent)


Communication of the City Manager


Recommend approval of the Fiscal Year 2022 proposed Capital Improvement Plan for the City of Worcester. # 9.39B CM May 12, 2021

In Committee May 25, 2021 - Held In Committee June 1, 2021 - Held


Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the City Manager, who provided an overview of funds associated with the city’s Capital Improvement Plan.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be approved.

Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Rivera, Petty absent)


Communication of the City Auditor


Transmitting an informational communication relative to the cost of police overtime and police details for major events for the past five (5) years. # 13b CC May 25, 2021

In Committee June 1, 2021 - Held


Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized Councilor King, who discussed the procedure for reporting the item out to City Council with the City Clerk.

Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be placed on file.

Recommend File on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 1 Nays (Nay – King) (Rivera, Petty absent)