OCTOBER 16,2001


Convened: 6:18 p.m.

Adjourned: 6:55 p.m.


Present were:      Chairman Councillor Timothy P. Murray

                             Councillor Michael C. Perotto

                             Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes

                             Councillor Joseph M. Petty

                             Councillor Juan A. Gomez @ 6:30 p.m.


Also:                     City Manager Thomas R. Hoover

                             Human Resources Director Jan Borg Silverman

                             City Solicitor David M. Moore

                             Veterans’ Agent Pierce Gould

                             Budget Director John Pranckevicius       

1.                 Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to issues regarding military reservists who are called upon for active service.

#13A CM October 9, 2001


          Placed on File-In Committee for informational purposes only.


Chairman’s Order request the Administration provide the City Council with a report within two weeks setting forth his recommendations on the process of verifying pay differentials between military pay and municipal pay, broken out by department, for those municipal employees called up to active service.


Chairman’s Order request the Budget Director provide the City Council with a comprehensive report on the overtime spending in this year’s budget, including details of the deployment of public safety personnel, in light of the number of call-ups anticipated and calculating in the suspected retirements from these respective departments.


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager consider the creation of an employment pool wherein active employees might contribute accrued time-off to be used by other employees called up to active duty.


Speakers:   James Collins, President, Local 378 Worcester Police

                   Frank Raffa, President, Local 1009 Worcester Fire

                   Reginald Needham, Worcester Police Captain


Chairman’s Resolution that the City Council go on record in favor of continuing to provide health coverage for those municipal employees called up to active military service.