7:00 P.M.

Convened: 7:09 P.M.

Adjourned:  9:43 P.M.


1.       INVOCATION –  Rev. David Crabtree

First Assembly of God Church




          The members of Cub Scout Pack 70 of St. Stephen’s Church assisted in the Pledge of Allegiance and presented the Council with token gifts.


3.       ROLL CALL




          4  Hearing Held – Ordinance Committee accepted the Report of

    the Planning Board and recommended approval of the Petition 


4.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Richard Silver on behalf of Albert Gould III request that Carter Way be added to the Official Map since it was left off in error when the Official Map was adopted by the City of Worcester in 1953.





 5.      Request City Manager to provide City Council with an analysis of the percentage increases given employees in the DH pay scale who qualify for merit increases without individual names.  (Lukes)

          Placed on file


6.       Request City Manager report to City Council comparing merit pay to the process used for determining what other employees receive as salary increases and as other economic benefits.  (Lukes)


          Placed on file


7.       Request City Manager report as to who in the City family earns over $70,000.00 a year and also a list of who in the School Department, by job description, earns over $70,000.00 a year.    (Lukes)


          Placed on file


 8.      Request City Manager to provide City Council with a report on the previous pay from each department, including the School Department, the percentage increase and the new increase. Further, request Administration and the City Clerk, if he has any documentation, report to City Council relative to the parameters as established by the City Council.  Further, request City Solicitor outline the role of the City Council.  Further, request City Auditor and City Manager report as to how merit increases were budgeted.    (Mariano)


          Placed on file


9.       Request City Manager to provide a comparison of department head salaries in other like-sized municipalities in the Commonwealth and New England.   (Murray)


          Placed on file


10.     Request City Manager report if any employee on the DH pay scale also get step grade increases and if the School Department does merit evaluation of any or all employees in management positions. (Patton)


          Placed on file


11.     Request City Manager provide City Council with a report, absent information on individuals, describing his merit pay policy and methods that he followed.  (Irish)


          Placed on file 


12.     Request City Auditor to be part of the process of determining the calculation and figures for the merit pay increases submitted to the City Council by the City Manager.   (Lukes)


          Placed on file


13.     Request City Manager report on merit pay increases for the past five years.  (Clancy)


          Placed on file


14.     Request City Manager to provide City Council with a comparison of merit versus non-merit employees in terms of general pay increases for the last five years.   (Lukes)


          Placed on file








15b.   Councillor Michael C. Perotto & Councillor Paul P. Clancy Jr. on behalf of Jean Gray request street light be installed at 23 Ida St.

          Suspension of Rules – Refered to Public Service & Transportation Committee




16.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Francis X. Sena, Jr. request Traffic Engineer consider a “Caution Children” sign in the vicinity of Rudolph St. and Simone St.


          17  HEARING SET FOR JANUARY 30, 2001 – 7:00 P.M.


17.     NSTAR GAS for a gas main location on:  HIGH STREET.






18.     John A. Carnegie request that the City Council work with the City Manager, Chief Development Officer, State Representatives and State Senators to develop and implement policies and procedures that will enable motivated parties to provide qualified new business leads and personal contacts.


          19 PLACED ON FILE


19.     Jordan Levy request to speak before the January 23, 2001 City Council meeting regarding changes to the City of Worcester Ordinance requiring the shoveling of snow from sidewalks and sidewalk areas. – Petitioner spoke




Thomas R. Hoover

City Manager

City Council Calendar for January 23, 2001





          A.      Notification of Constable appointments.

          Placed on file






 3.      AIRPORT:


 4.      ASSESSORS:



          A.      Communication relative to the City Manager’s Contingency account.


           Referred to Finance Committee


 6.      CIVIC CENTER:






A.        Communication relative to proposed reorganization plan for the development agencies of the City.


           Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


B.        Communication relative to Worcester Common Outlets.


          Placed on file




           AA.  Communication relative to Brownfields Initiative.


          Referred to Commerce & Development Committee






A.        Request adoption of a Resolution to file and accept a Grant from the Greater Worcester Community Foundation.


           Resolution Adopted







A.        Communication relative to Retaining and Placement of the Employees of the Bradlee’s Department Stores.


          Placed on file


B.        Communication relative to Workforce Development Plan.


           Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


13.    FIRE:   


A.        Communication relative to Increase of Accidental Fires.


         Referred to Public Safety Committee


B.        Communication relative to $108,000.00 of grant money to be used for the purchase of firefighting equipment.


         Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.        Communication relative to the Worcester Fire Department Board of Inquiry Report.


          Referred to Public Safety Committee



           A.     Communication relative to Merit Pay.


          Placed on file






17.     LAW:


A.        Communication relative to Charter Communications’ rate setting and programming.


          Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


B.        Request adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter Thirteen, Section 39 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 Relative to Handicap Parking.


           Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee






A.        Communication relative to the Ty Cobb Field Complex – Status Report.


          Referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee


B.        Communication relative to the Goddard Memorial Project.


           Referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee


20.    POLICE:


A.        Communication relative to Enforcement of Speeding Ordinances – Sunderland Road.


Placed on file


B.        Communication relative to Speeding Ordinances on Crystal Street.


Placed on file


C.        Request that a donation to the D.A.R.E. program in the amount of $40.00 from Richard Kotosky be accepted with gratitude.


Order adopted with gratitude


D.        Request that a donation to the D.A.R.E. program in the amount of $25.00 from Brian and Beth Crowley be accepted with gratitude.


Order adopted with gratitude


E.         Communication relative to Speeding Ordinances on Millbury Street.


Placed on file


F.         Communication relative to the publication of names and pictures of people who have been convicted of soliciting prostitutes.


          Placed on file




A.        Communication relative to Community Health Program Monthly Report – December 2000.


         Referred to Health Committee


B.        Communication relative to 16-18 Crystal Street being in compliance with all city codes.


Placed on file








A.        Communication relative to Walpole Street/Gates Street closed for the past two years.


         Placed on file


B.        Communication relative to Left Turn Arrows – Intersection of Granite Street and Sunderland Road.


         Recommitted to City Manager


C.        Communication relative to Winter Storms – December 30-31, 2000 & January 5, 2001 – Report on Parking Compliance.

         Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


D.        Communication relative to the Possibility of Converting Grove Street Terrace to a Public Street.


         Referred to Public Works for hearing


E.         Communication relative to Snow Deficit – FY2001.


          Referred to Finance Committee




26.     TREASURY:


A.        Request City Council accept with gratitude a payment in the amount of $250.00 in appreciation for the services provided the Worcester – Pleasant Street Friends meeting by the City of Worcester.


          Order adopted with gratitude




28.     FINANCE:


A.        Recommend that Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) be transferred from Account #900-92000, City Manager’s Contingency, and appropriated to Account #040-92000,City Manager’s  Ordinary Maintenance, to provide funds for the purpose of funding the appraisal costs for the Bailin property, an important addition, to connect with the Mass Audubon Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary properties.


         Order adopted on roll call vote of 11-0


B.        Recommend that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C793, Green Hill Park Improvements, and appropriated to Account #71C702, Green Hill Park Improvements, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with the complete reconstruction, reorientation, and expansion of the tees, at the Green Hill Golf Course, as approved in the Fiscal 2001Capital Improvement Program.


         Order adopted on roll call vote of 11-0


C.        Recommend that Three Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($335,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #72C705, Hope Cemetery Administration Building, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with the construction of the Hope Cemetery Administration Building as approved in the Capital Improvement Program.


         Order adopted on roll call vote of 11-0


D.        Recommend that Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) be transferred from the following accounts:


          ACCOUNT                   DESCRIPTION            AMOUNT

          91C711                 Building Rehabilitation               $10,000.00

          2G-331-00             Golf Course Retained Earnings    20,000.00

                                      Total                                        $30,000.00

          and appropriated to the following accounts:


          ACCOUNT                   DESCRIPTION            AMOUNT

          72C702                 Park Site Improvements            $10,000.00

          710-93000             Golf Capital Outlay                     20,000.00

                                      Total                                        $30,000.00

          to provide funds, for the purpose of completing the state mandated upgrades and/or removal  of  underground storage tanks at the department’s facilities citywide.


         Order adopted on roll call vote of 11-0

E.         Request that the City Council accept the award of One Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Four Dollars ($148,604.00) from the Commonwealth Sewer Rate Relief Fund. I further recommend that this award be applied to the fiscal 2002 billing cycle since the majority of sewer bills for fiscal 2001 have been issued. This award will be applied to the Fiscal 2002 sewer rate effectively reducing the amount billed per CCF by $0.02.


         Order adopted on roll call vote of 11-0


F.         Recommend that Six Hundred Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($612,500.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #75C702, Civic Center Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of  payment for contractual obligations associated with the seat replacement and riser repairs at the Centrum Centre.


         Order adopted on roll call vote of 11-0


G.       Recommend that Ninety Five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00) be transferred from  Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #72C703,  Parks Department Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of  payment for contractual obligations associated with the complete roof replacement,  renovation of the existing roof systems, and the replacement of various structural elements at the Green Hill Farm.


         Order adopted on roll call vote of 11-0


H.        Recommend that Twenty-Seven Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Dollars ($27,460.00) be transferred from Account #900-92000, City Manager’s Contingency Account and appropriated to Account #330-91000, Department of Public Health & Code Enforcement Personal Service account. This money will be used to fund a Principal Building Inspector and a Sr. Clerk Typist within the Department of Public Health & Code Enforcement.


    (2)          Orders adopted on roll call vote of 11-0




A.        Communication relative to Goals for the New Millenium – Beyond Strategic Plan 2000.


         Referred to Strategic Planning Committee


B.        Communication relative to implementation status of the recommendations made by the Community Task Force on Vacant and Abandoned Buildings.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.  SUPPLEMENTAL – Communication relative to “Musical Image” donated by Citadel Communications to the City of Worcester.


Order adopted with gratitude




20a.   Request City Manager, in the formulation of the upcoming Municipal Budget, include funding for no more than a 3% average, a total, for Department Head Merit increases across the board. Motion Mariano @  #5-14 CC – Adopted


20b.   Request City Manager to include a separate, specific line item in the upcoming Municipal Budget for merit pay increases. Motion Clancy @ #5-14 CC – Adopted


20c.   Request City Manager to provide the City Council with information on why proportionally large across the board increases occurred in this particular year.  Motion Clancy @ #5-14 CC – Adopted


20d.   Request City Manager to provide City Council with information on the management process for obtaining data for the awarding of merit pay increases.  Motion Patton @ #5-14 CC – Adopted


20e.   Request City Manager to continue the comparison breakdown survey of department head salaries to include Springfield and Hartford and report back to the City Council. Motion Murray @ #5-14 CC


          Councillor Petty moved to amend: That when the information is received it also include a comparison of the responsibilities and duties of those department heads.


          Order adopted, as amended


20f.    That the City Council adds an item relative to the Manager’s handling of Merit Pay increases to the annual City Manager’s Evaluation. Motion Mariano @ #4-15 CC – Adopted


20g.   Request Administration to contact our State Delegation to consider providing incentives for the reuse of Brownfields as part of our effort to control urban sprawl and preserve open space.  Motion Petty @ #8AA CM – Adopted


20h.   Request City Manager, as part of the financing plan of the Brownfields initiative, to contact banks and lending institutions to explore creating a community loan pool to augment federal and state funds received for Brownfields cleanup and reuse.  Motion Murray @ #8AA CM – Adopted


20i.    Request City Manager to look at a parcel of publicly owned Brownfield land and report  back to City Council what the costs would be to clean up the property and redevelopment. Motion Perotto @ #8AA CM - Adopted


20j.   Request City Manager contact Professor Lance Schachterle of WPI regarding Brownfield Study presentation “Interactive Qualifying Plan”. Motion Petty @ #8AA CM – Adopted


20k.  Request City Manager report to the City Council on the vacancy factor at the Worcester Common Outlets. Motion Clancy @ #8B CM – Adopted


20l.    Request City Manager contact State Department of Telecommunications to review the recent Charter Communications rate increase.  Motion Perotto @ #17A CM – Adopted


20m.  Request City Manager report if city buildings are adequately wired for internet access.  Motion Petty @  #17A CM – Adopted


20n.   Request City Manager report the cost to install proper signage for towing of  vehicles illegally parked in handicap parking spaces.  Motion – Irish @ #17B CM – Adopted


20o.   Request City Manager report on the appeal to the previous owner of Ty Cobb Fields concerning clean-up costs. Motion Irish @ #19A CM – Adopted


20p.   Request City Manager report if Goddard Memorial Project is Block Grant eligible.  Motion Perotto  @  #19B CM – Adopted


20q.   Request City Manager forward to the City Council the cost for each snowstorm as it occurs. Motion Clancy @ #24C CM – Adopted


20r.   Request City Solicitor forward to the Public Works Committee how the city can legally accomplish a paper trail stating that the city didn’t waive any requirement of the private street acceptance program regarding Grove Street Terrace. Motion Lukes @ #24D CM – Adopted


20s.   Request City Manager to provide an organizational chart for the Abandoned Building Task Force for the February 9, 2001 Public Safety Committee meeting.  Motion Petty @ # 29B CM - Adopted


20t.   Request City Manager to provide the City Council with a copy of the state regulations relative to tattooing and body piercing. Irish – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


20u.   Request Administration have the sidewalks around Elm Park sanded after each snow storm. Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


20v.   Request Administration report on Social Service sitings throughout the city on a GIS map and by street address. Nadeau & Irish – Suspension of Rules – Adopted




21.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting City of Worcester’s Auditors’ Report for December 31, 2000.


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


22.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting Schedules as of December 31, 2000 as follows:  Schedule of Bonds Payable, Schedule of Bonds Authorized and Unissued, Computation of Legal Debt Margin, and Summary of Principal and Interest Due.


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




22a.   That the City Council hereby informs the City Manager that recent Merit Pay increases were excessive.  Motion Mariano @ #5-14 CC – Leave to withdraw


22b.   That the City Council recognizes the efforts of the City Manager for requesting Police Chief James Gallagher, Commissioner of Public Works Robert Moylan and Assistant City Manager for Special Projects and Legislation Paul LaCava to attend a meeting in Great Brook Valley last week. Gomez – Suspension of Rules – Adopted




          23-30 ORDAINED ON ROLL CALL VOTE (11-0)


23.             Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 19 Mendon St.


24.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 11 Hudson St.


25.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 78 Pilgrim Ave.


26.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 121 Eastern Ave. and provide for handicap parking in front of 120 Eastern Ave.


27.     Amending Section 29 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for stop sign on Mabelle St. at Newton Ave. North to face eastbound traffic on Mabelle St.


28.     Amending Section 29 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for stop sign on Everton St. at Greenfield St. to face westbound traffic on Greenfield  St.


29.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for No Parking Anytime ten feet from either side of driveway in front of 123 Fairfield St.


30.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for 15 Minute parking meters on the east side of Norwich St. near Foster St.


          Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for 15 Minute parking meters on the south side of Foster St. near Norwich St.


Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of  1996 to rescind handicap parking on the east side of Norwich St. near Mechanic St.




31.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Order of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting approval of the attached Ordinance amending the Worcester Zoning Ordinance adopted April 2, 1991 relative to Non-Accessory Signs.   (Tabled May 30, 2000) 

No action taken


32.     Resolution – That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby supports an amendment to MGL Chapter 32, Section 3(4) proposed by Mrs. Mary Genaske, a Worcester Public School Teacher to allow teachers from Puerto Rico to buy back into the Mass. Teachers Pension Fund at the same level as other teachers coming from other states in the union.  (Gomez)  (Tabled October 17, 2000)


No action taken


33.     Order – Request Rules Committee to review the procedure used by City Council for election of individuals to the Library Board of Trustees.  (Abraham)  (Tabled December 19, 2000)


No action taken


34.     Chairman’s Proposed Ordinance –Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking on the north side of Pleasant St. near Main St.  (Tabled January 16, 2001)


Taken off table and voted to advertise





JANUARY 22, 2001                  LAND USE                    COUNCIL CHAMBER

  6:00 – 7:30 P.M.

(Rescheduled from January 17, 2001)


JANUARY 22, 2001               LEGISLATIVE                 COUNCIL CHAMBER

      7:30 P.M.                               AFFAIRS

(Rescheduled from January 17, 2001)


JANUARY 24, 2001         PUBLIC SERVICE  &            COUNCIL CHAMBER

      4:00 P.M.                     TRANSPORTATION

(Note Change in Time)


JANUARY 24, 2001                 ETHNIC &                     COUNCIL CHAMBER

      6:30 P.M.                  MINORITY AFFAIRS

                   Re: Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance Report


JANUARY 29, 2001                           HEALTH              COUNCIL CHAMBER

  4:00 – 6:00 P.M.


JANUARY 29, 2001          PUBLIC WORKS                  COUNCIL CHAMBER

       6:00 P.M.


FEBRUARY 9, 2001       PUBLIC SAFETY                   COUNCIL CHAMBER

 3:00 – 4:30 P.M.

                        Re:  Abandoned Buildings Task Force Report


FEBRUARY 12, 2001           RULES &                           COUNCIL CHAMBER

       4:00 P.M.                   REGULATIONS