7:00 P.M.


                                                                Convened:  7:04 P.M.

                                                               Adjourned:  8:40 P.M.



1.          INVOCATION - Rev. David Crabtree

                                       First Assembly of God Church




3.          ROLL CALL - All present










5.          Thomas P. Millott request City Council to amend the City of Worcester Zoning Ordinance to change the Official Zoning Map by rezoning a parcel of land on the southeasterly side of Southgate St. extending the ML-2.0 zone as follows:  Northwesterly to the center line of Southgate St., northeasterly of land shown at Map 7, Lot 23, Block 24A, southwest of land shown at Map 7, Lot 24, Block 4.


6.          Attorney J. Z. Aframe on behalf of Terence J Shepherd, Executive Director, Why Me, Inc. request to change the Zoning Map of the City of Worcester from RS-7 and RL-7 to BL-1 by extending the adjacent BL-1 zone to include a portion of land at 1152 Pleasant St.






6a.          Francis Spokis & Joseph Capone request to extend the MG-2.0 zone in a southerly direction into the RL-7 and BL-1.0 areas which abut the primary MG-2.0 parcel for the site formerly used by Central Oil of Worcester for commercial purposes.  Referred to the Planning Board - Suspension of Rules 





7.          Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Kim Graves, Project Manager, Bayberry Village request street light at corner of Arboretum Dr. and Upland St.


7a.          Councillor Timothy Murray request City take over responsibility for street lights on Camelot Dr., Merlin Court and Tristan Court.  Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee - Suspension of Rules 




8.          Sharon Barry request sidewalk repair in front of 2 Lanark St.


9.          Councillor Janice L. Nadeau request Public Works resurface Harding St. from Canton St. to Madison St.


10.          Jonathan Finkelstein, Attorney on behalf of Paul Valente request City Council vote to abandon a portion of a water easement located on property off Devonshire St. and to relocate it by acceptance of a new easement and further, to authorize the City Manager to execute all appropriate documents to accomplish the abandonment and relocation.


11.     Frank Sclafani et al request private street maintenance of Scandinavia Ave. between Vermont Ave. and Westcott St.


12.          George Smith request to relocate easement for sewers on Lot 216 Oneida Ave. northerly 5' to allow the sewer pipes to remain in the 20' easement and enable me to construct a single family home.


13.          William Loubier & Maureen Novia request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50010 in the amount of $3,021.00 on Jeanette St.


14.          Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request resurfacing of Stockton St. from Upsala St. to Ames St.


15.          Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request resurfacing of Stockton St. from Ames St. to Vernon St.


16.          Michael N. Vasel request concrete sidewalk be replaced at 37-39 Walworth St.


17.          Russell Grogan request sidewalk repair and widening of driveway in front of 306 Burncoat St.  Curbstones are too high and cause damage to tires.




18.     Mary Ellen Todd-Cocrane request No Right on Red signage at the intersection of West St. and Highland Ave. for all four corners.


19.     Claire & George Lundin request handicap parking in front of 46 Butler St.


20.          Councillor Dennis L. Irish on behalf of Henry Ciborowski request repeal of the "No Turn on Red" prohibition currently in place for eastbound traffic on Elm St. turning southbound into Linden St.


21.          Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request Bus Stop location on the Grafton St. bus route in the vicinity of Fairway Beef.


22.          Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Rick Morrow request to speak before Traffic & Parking Subcommittee concerning traffic (calming situation) at corner of Thorne St. and Plantation St.


23.          Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Maurice Garafoli requesting residential parking time change in front of 11 Suffolk St. from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to 24 hours.




24.          Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Peter O'Rourke, President & Joseph Lagor, Secretary/Treasurer, The Worcester Retired Police & Firefighters Association, Inc. request City Manager include in his annual budget a recommendation for an increase in the pension allowances for public safety employees who have retired under the provisions contained in Sections 90A, C & D of Chapter 32 of Mass. General Laws and further, that said increases amount to 1/2 of the rate of regular compensation payable to employees of such city holding similar positions at time of increases.  Council suspended its rules to allow James Richardson to speak


25.     Bob Gates, President, Indian Lake Watershed Association, Inc. request approximately $100,000.00 from the City of Worcester for chemical treatment of the weed elodia at Indian Lake.  Council suspended its rules to allow Petitioner to speak


26.          Kenneth K. Kephart, Jr. request to speak at the City Council meeting of March 28, 2000 to express views on WRTA and Great Brook Valley issue.  Council suspended its rules to allow Petitioner to speak.  Petition placed on file


27.     Peggy Middaugh, Executive Director, Regional Environmental Council request City Council to adopt the attached Resolution to increase recycling and to reduce waste generation in Massachusetts. City Council adopted the Resolution on a voice vote


28.     Joyce Brower et al request the vacant cold storage building, formerly Boston Beef, 81 Lafayette St. to be kept intruder free by replacing all boards that cover entrances, windows and doors when they become loose or weather worn.  We request the land around 81 Lafayette St. be kept free of rubbish.  The building and its grounds are a fire hazard and a danger to our neighborhood.  Referred to the City Manager












29.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with a list of agencies that make up the Development Council.


30.          Request City Manager to resubmit to City Council the objectives of the Development Office submitted in February or March of 1999.


31.          Request Administration to provide an update on Lincoln Plaza redevelopment.


32.          Request Administration to contact supermarket vendor Save-a-lot to discuss their store moving into Caldor Plaza.


33.          Request Administration to provide City Council with an update on the Arts District.


34.          Request Administration to provide City Council with an update on Highland St. revitalization.


          35-42 FROM EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Adopted


35.          Request Administration report to City Council on the City's plan to access state funds for branch libraries and to include the City's schools in the regional library system.


36.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with a clarification of the base funding for Charter Schools, including whether that funding calculation is on regular education students.


37.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with an explanation as to how transportation costs are reimbursed for the Charter Schools.


38.          Request the Superintendent of the Worcester Public Schools to provide information regarding ownership of school buses used to transport all students in the system and also an explanation of registrations out of state.


39.          Request the Superintendent of the Worcester Public Schools to continue to monitor the school bus loading and discharging at Pleasant Valley Dr. and Country Club Blvd. in the interest of the public safety of our school children and implement improvements where necessary, including the additional assignment of a school crossing guard at this location.


40.          Request the Police Chief, in conjunction with the Worcester Public Schools to conduct undercover stings as part of an overall effort to guarantee that motorists throughout the City obey the flashing lights on school buses and not pass by them.


41.          Request City Manager to contact the Superintendent of the Worcester Public Schools and the Parks Department to discuss the feasibility and coordination of putting playgrounds at City schools.


42.          Request School Department, as part of their capital program to insure an investment in walkways and sidewalks.


          42a & b FROM EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Adopted - Suspension of Rules


42a.          Request City Administration report on what steps are being taken to stop the use of resident driveways as a place to turn around, the disturbing of the peace and the graffiti on and around the North High School. 


42b.   That the South Site is the endorsed site as the preferred location for the construction of a new North High School.


          43-50 FROM PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - Adopted


43.          Request Administration to review whether or not the 700 block of Main St. might be serviced by Grime Watch and report back to the Public Works Committee.  Further, request Administration consider sending letters to abutting businesses requesting that they help to keep their areas clean.


44.          Request Law Department to report if there is a City Ordinance which requires property owners to keep the sidewalks in front of their property clean.


45.          Request Administration to investigate options available to require businesses to clean sidewalks in front of premises and also any adjacent open lots used for accessory parking.


46.          Request Administration report on the scope of the problem of piles of pavement and curbing waste that is deposited along the southerly shore of Patch's Reservoir and to recommend a solution to the removal of said waste.  Further, request Administration provide a map of the area.


47.          Request Administration to meet with private plowers to gather their concerns and report back to Public Works Committee.


48.          Request Administration report on the appropriateness of the request to consider dedicating the Central St. Gateway Bridge in honor of our Central Massachusetts Prisoners of War and whether or not the Veterans Council has reviewed said request.


49.          Request Administration report on how the asphalt piles at the proposed Lincoln St. Yard Waste Drop Off Site might be removed.


50.          Request Administration report on the feasibility of replacing the current catch basin on Clark St. in the vicinity of the possible location of a Yard Waste Drop Off Site with an MDC type catch basin.





51.          Request the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery to provide City Council with the results of the issuance of an RFP for the new Hope Cemetery Administration Building.


52.          Request the Director of the Office of Planning and Community Development to work with the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to locate additional grant money to be put towards the maintenance of our shade tree inventory.


53.          Request the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery Department to provide City Council with notice when the memorandum of understanding between the Mass. National Guard and the City is signed for conveyance of the Skyline property.


54.          Request the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery Department to provide City Council with a report detailing the decommissioning of the Green Hill Park facility that is planned to be abandoned when the department moves to the Skyline Dr. facility.


55.          Request City Manager to respond to previous City Council requests that he consider assigning temporary laborers this fiscal year towards the task of preparing Hope Cemetery for the Memorial Day holiday in place of the usual reassignment of skilled permanent employees.


56.          Request the Youth, Parks and Recreation Committee to embark on a systematic review of park properties.




57.          Request City Manager provide City Council with information detailing the physical statistics over the past five years for hiring in the Police and Fire Departments and whether there exists any gender disparity in these numbers.   (Petty)


Councillor Petty moved to amend to delete the word "statistics" and

insert the word "requirements".  Order adopted, as amended


58.          Request City Manager report to City Council regarding the implementation of par ten hiring for public safety and further, request an explanation and historical perspective as to why the city utilizes par ten for minority and gender based hiring.   (Petty)








59.          Request City Manager report to City Council whether other Massachusetts communities utilize gender and/or minority based hiring into public safety positions.   (Petty)




60.          Request City Manager report on full implementation of Dog Ordinance, specifically on where we are on dogs in the parks. 





61.          Request City Manager provide City Council with timeline when construction work begins for Washington Square.  (Perotto)




62.          Request City Manager consider using Block Grant funds for the purpose of building a skateboard arena at Green Hill Park.

                                                                      (Perotto, Luster)


Councillor Clancy moved to amend:  Further, request City Manager

consider increasing the Enterprise Account for the Green Hill Golf

Course to construct a Skateboard Park.  Order adopted, as amended


63.          Request City Manager consider providing a finance plan for the removal of the DPW garage from Shrewsbury St.

                                                               (Perotto, Murray, Irish, Petty)


Councillor Perotto moved to amend to add Mayor Mariano.  Order

adopted, as amended


64.          Request City Manager provide report on relocating DPW garage on city owned land.   (Perotto, Murray, Irish, Petty)


Councillor Perotto moved to amend to add Mayor Mariano.  Order

adopted, as amended




65.          Request City Manager provide a report on cost of refurbishing DPW garage on Shrewsbury St.   (Perotto, Murray, Irish, Petty, Lukes)


Councillor Perotto moved to amend to add Mayor Mariano.  Order

adopted, as amended


66.          Request City Manager to provide City Council with an update on the petition of the Worcester Redevelopment Authority requesting a Variance concerning the handicapped accessible platform at Union Station, including an explanation regarding the postponement to a later date.    (Abraham, Murray, Lukes)     




67.          Request City Manager to consider selling the Worcester Public Works properties on East Worcester and Shrewsbury Sts. as well as the Worcester Public Schools shop building property also on Shrewsbury St. for the purposes of encouraging economic development.



Councillor Murray moved to amend:  Further, request report in terms

of what issues and costs would have to be addressed relative to the

School Department side.


Councillor Lukes moved to amend: Further, request a map of the

Department of Public Works and School Department properties.


Order adopted, as amended 


68.          Request Administration to develop an overlay zone prohibiting billboards from the Blackstone Heritage Valley Park.   (Clancy)


Councillor Clancy moved to amend to add Mayor Mariano.  Order

adopted, as amended


69.          Request Administration to review the Zoning Ordinance for changes regarding size, spacing and number of billboards.   (Clancy)


Councillor Clancy moved to amend to add Mayor Mariano.  Order

adopted, as amended


70.          Request Administration report on the identity and number of businesses located in the city which either manufacture, assemble and/or distribute/sell firearms, ammunition, explosives or similar devices, the type of arms or devices and the type and number manufactured, assembled, sold or distributed annually and the name and address of the owner(s) of the business.    (Lukes)




71.          Request Administration report on the types of controls, laws, regulations or ordinances; local, federal or state which are in place to oversee and regulate the siting and/or construction of businesses involved in manufacture, sale, assembly or distribution of firearms, ammunition, explosives or devices and the types of laws, ordinances and/or regulations involved regarding the manufacture, assembly and distribution/sale of those products and the role of the city departments and agencies regarding those activities.   (Lukes)




71a.          Request City Manager report on the history of funding increases in pension allowances for public safety employees who have retired under the provisions of Sections 90A, C & D of Chapter 32 of Mass. General Laws.  Motion-Clancy @ #24CC - Adopted


71b.          Request City Manager provide City Council with dates of motions made relative to increases in pensions for retired public safety employees under Sections 90A, C & D of Chapter 32 of Mass. General Laws and the vote of the City Council.  Motion-Clancy @ #24CC - Adopted


71c.          Request City Auditor report on the gains from retirement investments.  Motion-Clancy @ #24CC - Adopted


71d.          Request City Manager report on the universe of people that are under Chapter 32, Sections 90A, C & D.  Further, of the people included, what percentage, on average are they at.  Further, for every percent increase, what is the monetary amount attributable to that.  Motion-Murray @#24CC - Adopted


71e.          Request City Manager report as to when and if the increase is recommended for the public safety retirees, would it automatically go into retirement bonding or would it come out of the budget every year.   Motion-Nadeau @ #24CC - Adopted


71f.          Request City Manager report as to the process for assigning bus drivers to a particular route.  Further, request a report on how many Worker's Compensation claims from drivers on the Great Brook Valley route relating to patrons or residents of Great Brook Valley have been reported over the last two years.  Motion-Luster @  #26CC - Adopted


71g.          Request City Manager report why the City is not attracting women to the Fire Department.  Motion-Petty @ #57-59CC - Adopted


71h.          Request City Manager report on women in Fire Departments across the country and any type of constitutional or state issues that may be involved.  Motion-Petty @ #57-59CC - Adopted


71i.          Request City Manager consider relocating the central garage portion of the Public Works facilities.  Motion-Perotto @ #63-65CC - Adopted


71j.          Request Administration consider putting together an RFP for the Public Works facilities site on Shrewsbury St., put the RFP out to see if there is any interest in that particular site for redevelopment activity.  Motion-Clancy @ #63-65CC - Adopted   


71k.          Request City Manager report whether or not the City was presented with any other alternatives as to the scheduling of additional round trip train service to Boston.  Irish - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


71L          Request City Manager report why the street lights have been turned off on Barry Rd. Extension.  Further, request a legal opinion as to who is responsible for payment of street light bill.  Petty - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


71m.          Request City Manager provide a report on whether credit cards can be used as a form of payment to the City of Worcester.  Petty - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


71n.          Request Administration report as to their strategies and/or discussions with the Cellucci administration concerning the additional train service which was promised some time ago.  Murray - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


71o.          Request City Manager review the CHAPA report (Back on the Roll in Mass.) and report back to the City Council on its findings.  Nadeau - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


71p.          Request Administration report for budget session, a list of consultants hired by the City in the current fiscal year and costs of their services  and further, to submit a similar report of consultants hired by the School Department.  Lukes - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


71q.          Request City Manager report on the Conservation Commission's authority to apply drainage and other requirements on sites "allowed by use" but with 15% slope or other deficiency that requires Conservation Commission approval.  Patton - Suspension of Rules - Adopted


71r.          Request City Manager provide a report detailing the Police response prioritization policy when citizens call the 911 line.  Patton - Suspension of Rules - Adopted




72.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting Auditors Report - February 29, 2000.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


73.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting copy of the  City's Management Letter for the year ended June 30, 1999, prepared by KPMG LLP.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


74.     Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to number of students in each of the City's High Schools.


Referred to Education Committee


75.     Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to statistics as to how many students have graduated each year for the last ten years from City High Schools.


Referred to Education Committee


76.          Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to an appropriation to fund appraisal costs for Crow Hill.


Order adopted on a roll call - 10-0 (Nadeau absent)


77.          Elizabeth A. Early, Executive Secretary, Worcester Retirement System transmitting Notice that the Worcester Retirement Board will meet on Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chamber for discussion of the COLA Amendment.


Placed on file


78.          RECESS TO FINANCE AND ORDINANCE: No Action Taken




a)          #40CC   June 22, 1999


             Order – Request City Council to schedule Finance sessions beginning the first week in January 2000 in order to commence discussions regarding budget issues.   (Lukes)






b)          #41CC   June 22, 1999


             Order – Request City Manager to present a budget for the next fiscal year with a rate of growth that is either at the rate of inflation or excludes new growth, whichever sum is lower.   (Lukes)


c)                 #63CC  September 21, 1999


             Order – Request City Council pledge to maintain the existing tax rate for the next three fiscal years.  Further, request City Council instruct the City Manager to prepare the next three budgets using only “New growth”, state and federal funds and existing tax revenues.



d)                #5B CM  February 8, 2000


   Communication of the City Manager relative to Budgetary Projections for FY 01-05.




          79-129 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


79.          Transmitting communication relative to the WRA's Single Audit Report.


80.          Transmitting communication relative to Development Project Quarterly Status Report.


81.          Transmitting communication relative to press release relative to the purchase of the Bancroft Building at 50 Franklin St. by MCR Property Management, Inc.


82.          Transmitting communication relative to Planned Incentives for Arts District.


83.          Transmitting communication relative to Status on Artistic Village.


84.          Transmitting communication relative to the feasibility of establishing a Business Improvement District (B.I.D.)


85.          Transmitting communication relative to Worcester Info Tech Project.


86.          Transmitting communication relative to Worcester Info Teach Project.


87.          Transmitting communication relative to Progress Report - Worcester Info Tech Task Force.


88.          Transmitting communication relative to Streetscape Program.


89.          Transmitting communication relative to ATEC land.


90.          Transmitting communication relative to the quarterly report on development projects citywide.


91.          Transmitting communication relative to Implementation of the Medical City TIF Provision and Paratransit Service to Senior Center.


92.          Transmitting communication relative to Release of Confidential Agreements to the Media.


93.          Transmitting communication relative to a response from the WRA to the local State Delegation.


94.          Transmitting communication relative to East Central Urban Renewal (Medical City) borrowing.


95.          Transmitting communication relative to City Council reports.


96.          Transmitting communication relative to State Senate regarding URDG funding request.


97.          Transmitting communication relative to August meeting of the Route 146 CAC.


98.          Transmitting communication relative to September meeting of the Route 146 CAC.


99.          Transmitting communication relative to the October meeting of the Route 146 CAC.


100.          Transmitting communication relative to demolition of properties along the Route 146 corridor.


101.          Transmitting communication relative to the demolition contracts for properties along the Route 146 corridor.


102.          Transmitting communication relative to possibility of professional baseball being located in Worcester.


103.          Transmitting communication relative to an update on the efforts to bring a Professional Baseball Franchise to Worcester.


104.          Transmitting communication relative to Atlantic League Team Membership.


105.          Transmitting communication relative to the Main South Critical Corridor Action Plan.


106.          Transmitting communication relative to North Main St. Critical Corridor Action Plan.


107.          Transmitting communication relative to Responsible Employer Ordinance Enforcement.


108.          Transmitting communication relative to Responsible Employer Ordinance Enforcement.


109.          Transmitting communication relative to Progress Report - Lincoln Plaza Redevelopment.


110.          Transmitting communication relative to Eminent Domain Powers - City and WRA.


111.          Requesting adoption of an Ordinance amending Chapter XIV of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to Regulation of Pawnbrokers.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the following Orders: recommend Orders be placed on file.


112.          Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request City Administration report to City Council on previous studies conducted relative to the siting of a minor league baseball stadium.


113.          Councillor Stacey DeBoise Luster request Administration to make periodic presentations before the Commerce and Development Committee relative to any and all economic development projects and initiatives underway throughout the City.


114.          Mayor Raymond V. Mariano and Councillors Clancy, Petty, Cooney, Luster, Patton, Finnegan, Murray and Nadeau request City Council to adopt "A Vision for Downtown Worcester" as an outline for development of downtown.  Further, request City Manager develop an Action Plan for implementation and submit to City Council.


115.          Councillors Murray, Perotto, Lukes, Nadeau, Cooney, Finnegan, Luster, Petty and Mayor Mariano request Administration to designate Shrewsbury St. as the preferred location for constructing a minor league baseball stadium.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


116.          Transmitting communication relative to School Vehicles, year, type and mileage of each vehicle.


117.          Transmitting communication relative to request for information on branch libraries and books-by-mail.


118.          Transmitting communication relative to Policy for Funding School Playground Improvements.


119.          Transmitting communication relative to School Department participating in the cost of repair to sidewalks in the vicinity of the City's Public Schools.


120.          Transmitting communication relative to SBAB funding.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the following Communications of Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee: recommend Communications be placed on file.


121.          Transmitting communication relative to crossing guard on Webster St. at corner of Knox St. for children attending Heard St. School.


122.          Transmitting communication relative to the request of the School Department to provide a bus monitor and crossing guard a the intersection of Country Club Blvd. and Pleasant Valley Dr.


123.          Transmitting communication relative to the request of the City Manager to investigate whether or not the school bus stop at the corner of Mason and Pleasant Sts. can be moved to another location for the next school year.


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the following Communications of James DelSignore, City Auditor: recommend Communications be placed on file.


124.          Transmitting quarterly report on sources and uses of funds for construction of ALL Magnet, Norrback Magnet, Roosevelt Magnet, Worcester Vocational Technical School and Forest Grove Middle School.


125.          Transmitting quarterly report on the sources and uses of funds for the construction of ALL School, Roosevelt Magnet, Norrback Magnet, Worcester Vocational Technical School and Forest Grove Middle School.





126.          Transmitting quarterly report on the sources and uses of funds for the construction of ALL School, Roosevelt Magnet, Norrback Magnet, Worcester Vocational Technical School, Forest Grove Middle School and North High School.


127.          Transmitting quarterly report on sources and uses of funds for the construction of ALL School, Norrback Magnet, Roosevelt Magnet, Worcester Vocational Technical School and Forest Grove Middle School.


128.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the Order of Mayor Raymond V. Mariano requesting Education Committee look at mobile services by the library and also at non-traditional settings for the library: recommend Order be placed on file.


          128a-d ACCEPTED - Suspension of Rules


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


128a.          Transmitting communication relative to the North High School Site.


128b.          Transmitting communication relative to the new North High School.


128c.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the Communication of Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to move of North High School to temporary quarters: recommend Communication be placed on file.


128d.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the Order of Councillor Perotto requesting the Education Committee to hold a public hearing on the location of the new North High School on the west site: recommend Order be placed on file.





129.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Attorney Samuel DeSimone requesting to change the Zoning Map of the City of Worcester from RL-7 to BL-1 by extending the BL-1 zone in an easterly direction between Brandt Lane and Pineland Rd.: recommend Petition be denied.




130.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of John E. Lucey, Chairman on behalf of Paxton  Board of Selectmen requesting City Council amend the agreement between the City of Worcester and the Town of Paxton for City's use of Asnebumskit Reservoir and the provision of water by the City to the Town dated March 14, 1997.  Amendment to provide that the zoning protections must be adopted on or before June 30, 2000: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


131.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of David Romonoff requesting to extend sewer and water mains in Dixon St. and Selden St. at owner's expense: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


132.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Timothy P. Murray requesting City Administration repair the pedestrian bridge that connects 1060 Main St. to the commercial properties on Mill St. between the former Cinema One and Walgreen's: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


133.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS     Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Hired Equipment Rates - Snow and Ice Equipment: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.







          134-143 ACCEPTED


134.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the Karen A. Grubber, Administrative Assistant, Human Resources Coordinator transmitting Annual Report for the Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District for the period of 7/1/98 - 6/30/99: recommend Communication be placed on file.


135.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Ronald O'Clair et al requesting installation of permanent sidewalk trash receptacles in the 700 block of Main St.: recommend Petition be placed on file.


136.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Daniel Dick, President, Coes & Patches Ponds Watershed Association requesting Public Works to remove the piles of pavement and curbing waste that were deposited by the Department of Public Works some 25 years ago, shortly after the City took possession of the 12 acre site now known as conservation land along the southerly shore of Patch's Reservoir: recommend Petition be placed on file.


137.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the  Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Fee Increase/Private Plowers: recommend Communication be placed on file.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH, PARKS AND RECREATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


138.          Transmitting communication relative to Project Update: New Hope Cemetery Administration Building.


139.          Transmitting communication relative to Grant Award - Heritage Tree Care Grant.


140.          Transmitting communication relative to Replenishing of Trees.


141.          Transmitting communication relative to Department tenancy at the Air National Guard Installation at Skyline Dr.


142.          Transmitting Communication relative to Department's Policy regarding the use of facilities for various events.


143.          Transmitting communication relative to 200 March Madness Basketball Tourney.




144.          Communication of the City Manager recommending that Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents ($12,688.50) be transferred from Account 331-46, Belmont Home Retained Earnings and appropriated to Account 045S505, Belmont Home Advertising, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for advertising costs for proposed sale of the Belmont Home.

                                                                     (Tabled 11/19/96)


145.          Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to consider using the current site of the Vocational School, on the side of the Boys Club, as park land after discontinuance of use as a Vocational School.

                                                                     (Tabled 10/13/98)


146.          Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to consider eliminating the softball field on the Belmont St. side of the Vocational School site plan.

                                                                     (Tabled 10/20/98)


147.          Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to reconsider keeping educationally sound, the size of the parking area for the new Vocational School.

                                                                     (Tabled 10/20/98)


148.          REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Jonathan Finkelstein, Esquire on behalf of Smallwood Village Associates, Inc. requesting City of Worcester make Travis St. public.

          (Tabled 1/12/99)  Taken off the Table and referred to Public Works Committee


149.          Tabled In Part – Order – Request Administration report on whether the Worcester Redevelopment Authority intends to sell the tax credits of the Union Station Project, the value of the tax credits, the intended use of the proceeds of the sale and further, request City Manager to request the Worcester Redevelopment Authority to forbear from the sale.   (Lukes)

          Tabled – request City Manager to request the Worcester Redevelopment Authority to forbear from the sale.  (Tabled  9/7/99)


150.                REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting Traffic Engineer to consider a turning lane indicating “right turn only” for  northbound traffic on Grafton St. at the intersection of Sunderland Rd.: recommend Petition be denied.          (Tabled 1/4/00)


151.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to “Right Turn Only” lane for northbound traffic on Grafton St. at the intersection of Sunderland Rd.: recommend Communication be denied.           (Tabled 1/4/00)


152.          REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Lawrence A. Brodeur, Attorney on behalf of Reed & Prince Manufacturing Corp. and Horizon’s Development Association, Inc. requesting an alteration and relocation of Waller Ave. to create an access drive for the proposed supermarket and a private parking area for three residential properties on Waller Ave.  All work to be completed in accordance with a Definitive Site Plan Approval by the Planning Board.   (Tabled 2/1/00)


153.          Chairman's Order from Public Works Committee - Request Department of Public Works not to open the current Yard Waste Drop Off Site on North Lake Ave.   (Tabled 3/14/00)







154.          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Donald Grady et al requesting that the "Yard Waste Drop Off Site" located on North Lake Ave. by Lake Quinsigamond and the Coal Mine Brook be moved immediately to an appropriate location for the following reasons: 1) Diesel fumes creating unhealthful conditions for abutting residents, especially those with severe respiratory conditions.  2) Accumulation of trash e.g. batteries, tires, tars, anti-freeze, hydraulic fluid, chemicals from lawn care, furniture, computers, televisions, plastics of all types, etc.  3) Noise; diesel motors and compressors running every weekend from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. from April to January.  4) Traffic: overwhelming increase of traffic causing serious safety hazard: recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw.

                                                                              (Tabled 3/14/00)






MARCH 29, 2000           COMMUNITY               COUNCIL CHAMBER

   4:30 P.M.                     DEVELOPMENT


MARCH 29, 2000            PUBLIC SAFETY         COUNCIL CHAMBER

   6:00 P.M. - Tag Day Licenses



   5:30 P.M.                   TRANSPORTATION



 5:00 - 6:00 P.M.              AFFAIRS WITH

                                    LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS



    6:00 P.M.                       AFFAIRS WITH




   6:00 P.M. - Barry Rd. Issue

   7:00 P.M. - Winter Parking Ban


APRIL 6, 2000                     HOUSING                   COUNCIL CHAMBER

   4:00 P.M.


APRIL 10, 2000            PUBLIC SAFETY             COUNCIL CHAMBER

   6:00 P.M.


APRIL 12, 2000            PUBLIC WORKS              COUNCIL CHAMBER

   5:00 P.M.


APRIL 13, 2000             COMMERCE &                COUNCIL CHAMBER

   7:00 P.M.                     DEVELOPMENT



   6:00 P.M. - Speed Humps

   7:00 P.M. - Regular Agenda