6:00 P.M. – Council to convene in the City Council Chamber

and immediately vote to go into Executive Session in Room 310, City Hall

for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to litigation


7:00 P.M. – Regular meeting of the City Council

Convened:  6:00 P.M.

Executive Session:  6:06 P.M. – 6:58 P.M.

Regular Meeting Adjourned:  8:45 P.M.



1.       INVOCATION – Rev. Glenn Rounseville

Bethlehem Covenant Church




3.                 ROLL CALL – All present except Councillor Lukes and Luster. Councillor Lukes arrived at 6:06 P.M.




4 - Hearing held – Held to be First Item of Business February 29, 2000


4.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Communication of the City Manager requesting adoption of an ordinance amending the Worcester Zoning Ordinance relative to the Regulation of Indoor/Outdoor Shooting Ranges.










6.       Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of brick sidewalk at 10 Oxford St.


7.       Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of brick sidewalk in front of 19 Oxford St.


8.       Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of brick sidewalk between the corner of Newbury St. and 16 Congress St.


9.       Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of brick sidewalk in front of 16 Congress St.


10.     Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of sidewalk at 2 Congress St.


11.     Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of brick sidewalk in front of 15 Congress St.


12.     Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of Congress St. sidewalk at 6 Crown St.


13.     Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of brick sidewalk in front of 1 Congress St.


14.     Mary S. Keefe et al request repair of brick sidewalk in front of 11 Congress St.




15.     Peter Strniste, System Director, Maintenance/Engineering, St. Vincent Hospital request permission to post directional signs for the Worcester Medical Center.


16.     Kalimorfi Karcasinas request handicap parking sign in front of 21 May St.


17.     Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of Judy Finkel, Principal, Flagg St. School request installation of appropriate signage and/or School Zone, 20 MPH zone signs at Saxon Rd. and St. Paul Dr.


18.     Eugeniusz Kaczmarczyk request handicap parking in front of 13 Jones St.


18a.   Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of Roy Samra request parking meters on the even numbered side of Oxford St. at Pleasant St. and on the even numbered side of Ashland St. at Pleasant St. be changed from one hour to two hour meters. Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee – Suspension of Rules




          19-23 FROM EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Adopted


19.     Request the Head Librarian to provide City Council with a thorough report on purchasing new shelving or repainting existing shelving for installation at the reconstructed enlarged Salem Square Library.


20.     Request Administration report to City Council what measures the City or owner of the Fremont St. library building has taken since occupancy to make the building more habitable, include lighting and heating, etc.


21.     Request Administration report to City Council what measures the City and the owner of the Fremont St. library building are planning to take to ensure and to maintain a fully operational burner and what actions the City has available to take action against the owner for failure to provide a fully operational heating system during this winter.


22.     Request Administration report to City Council what actions are being taken to ensure the safety of the most historically valuable documents kept by the Worcester Public Library at the Fremont St. building.


23.     Request Administration of the Worcester Public Schools to inform City Council when they intend to occupy the newly constructed Roosevelt School.


          24 & 25 FROM PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - Adopted


24.     Request City Manager to study the reallocation of office space on the third floor of City Hall to determine if the former Alderman Chamber may be reclaimed for meeting room space.


25.     Request Administration report to City Council regarding possible out-of-town sites for composting and the permitting process that would need to be adhered to before such a site might be utilized.




26.     Request City Council to permit the petitioner to have her vote recorded as “yea” in favor of the adoption of the transfer of $400,000.00 requested by the City Manager, Item #28F held under privilege by Mayor Mariano on January 25, 2000 and Item #125 on the City Council Calendar dated February 1, 2000.    (Lukes)




27.     Request City Council, through its Rules Standing Committee amend the City Council rules regarding items, motions, orders and petitions considered and voted under suspension of the rules at a duly held meeting so that said voted items appear on the calendar of the next duly held City Council meeting, showing the maker of the motion and the vote taken.   (Lukes)


Referred to Rules & Regulations Committee


28.     Request City Council, through its Standing Committee on Rules review the City Council rules so as to update the jurisdiction of each Standing Committee over the appropriate City departments.   (Lukes)


Referred to Rules & Regulations Committee


29.             Request Administration report on whether pre-employment physicals are required before and as a condition of employment for all new employees for City employment and School Department Employment and on the advisability and process of establishing a City-wide policy requiring pre-employment physicals.   (Lukes)


Councillor Patton moved to amend:  Further, request Administration provide City Council with the definition of what a pre-employment physical is.


Order adopted, as amended


30.     Request Administration report on the proposed re-configuration of the intersection of Shore Dr., Holden St. and Drummond Ave.   (Patton)




31.     Request City Manager to consider the advisability of soliciting and then placing printed advertising on municipal trash bags for the purpose of reducing the cost of bags or minimizing any future increases.   (Mariano, Clancy)




32.     Request City Manager report on all projects funded to date through the CDBG revitalization fund.   (Clancy)




33.     Request City Manager report to City Council on total dollars he wishes to borrow against the CDBG for the Webster St. fire station and the Gardner/Kilby/Hammond project.   (Clancy)




34.     Request City Manager report to City Council on his recommendation regarding a new or refurbished central garage and the funding sources for said project.   (Clancy)




35.     Request City Manager report to City Council on all public improvements funded through the CDBG for the last five fiscal years. Clancy)




36.     Request City Manager to develop a plan for funding neighborhood mitigation projects which may be required as a result of the siting of City-wide projects which cause significant negative impact or disruption in those neighborhoods.   (Lukes)


Mayor Mariano moved to amend:  Further, that this item is not intended to refer directly or indirectly to the proposal relative to the Quinsigamond Landfill.


Order adopted, as amended


37.     Request Administration to compare the cost of funding mitigation projects for the Greenwood Landfill by means of a specific loan authorization versus a permanent increase in the enterprise account for sewer user fees.   (Lukes)




38.     Request Administration report on the legality of funding neighborhood mitigation projects from a permanent increase in sewer fees which are assessed to an enterprise account as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works for the Greenwood Landfill disposal of street sweepings.   (Lukes)




39.     Request City Administration prepare a report on impact of Circuit Breaker Legislation included in the State’s FY 2000 State budget and any steps that could be used to inform eligible homeowners and renters of this credit on their State Income Taxes.   (Murray)




40.     Request City Administration work with the Mass. College of Pharmacy and local business to mitigate traffic and parking issues in the Foster and Norwich St. areas.    (Murray, Petty)




41.     Request City Administration investigate the feasibility of purchasing desktop computing services under a seat management program whereby a single vendor supplies, maintains and replaces desktop computers and software, provides help-desk and training services, maintains and manages the network and offers internet access and any costs associated in implementing said management program. (Murray, Luster, Irish)



42.     Request Administration to provide a listing of all street lights currently approved, pending funding.   (Patton)


Councillor Patton requested to amend Order by changing street lights to traffic lights


Order adopted, as amended


43.     Request Administration to provide an update on the new Court House building.   (Patton)




44.     Request Administration to provide a comparative analysis of Framingham-Worcester line to all MBTA rail lines currently in operation.    (Patton)




45.     Request Administration to provide an update on the Worcester Arts District and the Burwick building conversion.   (Patton)




46.     Request Administration to provide a status report on improvements to Kendrick Field.   (Patton)




47.     Request Administration to consider staffing Animal Control Office to assist School Department and citizens with problem of unleashed dogs in the early morning roaming school properties.    (Patton)




48.     Request Administration to provide a report on March Madness Basketball Tournament.    (Patton)


Councillor Murray moved to amend: Request Administration, through coordination with Councillor Patton organize the City team.


Order adopted, a amended


49.     Request Administration to work with local business community and/or legislative delegation to conduct the following studies:  1) Current and projected demand for commuter rail service to and from Boston/Worcester, including number of potential passengers, preferred times and need for off-peak service;  2) Analysis of existing regional rail schedules (e.g. Worcester, Fitchburg, Framingham) to determine whether alternative scheduling could allow for expanded service.  This study should specifically assess the feasibility of reallocating underutilized rolling stock, if any, within the region. (Irish, Murray, Patton, Petty)




50.     Request City Council to consider dedicating the Central St. Gateway Bridge in honor of our Central Massachusetts Prisoners of War and work with the Administration to coordinate a ceremony with National P.O.W. Day in April.     (Murray)


Referred to Public Works Committee


51.     Request City Administration to contact the Eastside CDC concerning the possibility of the Feast of the Street on Shrewsbury St. in October. (Perotto)




52.     Request City Administration to consider selling naming rights to municipal buildings in the City of Worcester.    (Perotto)




53.     Request legal opinion from the City Administration on the process to be followed in amending or removing property within the USURP.                                               (Murray, Lukes)


          Councillor Lukes moved to amend: Request City Manager attach to report the legal opinion from 8-12 months ago on the nature of the adjoining parcels and the impact of the definition of contiguous in terms of Union Station and in terms of designation of that particular USURP area and how it impacted on financing and funding.  Further, request Law Department attach all reports on this issue.


          Councillor Perotto moved to amend: Request City Administration provide the definition of decadence.


          Councillor Clancy moved to amend: Request City Manager to advise City Council when the item relative to removal of property from the USURP was referred to the Administration and when can City Council expect a response.


          Order adopted, as amended


54.     Request the WRA report to City Council on the status of USURP removal amendment concerning properties in the Harding/ Temple/Green Island neighborhoods and timetable for same. (Murray, Lukes)




54a.   Request City Solicitor provide City Council with a written legal opinion on the validity of the Shooting Range Ordinance as written and problems with its particular phraseology.  Motion-Lukes @ #4CC – Adopted


54b.   Request Administration to provide a recommendation as to the wording for the Shooting Range Ordinance that would be acceptable to the Planning Board.   Motion-Perotto @ #4CC – Adopted


54c.   Request City Manager report what would have happened if Wheelabrator was sited in the City on the terms that were proposed at that time versus what it has cost the City since that time to dispose of its trash.  Motion-Lukes @ #36CC – Adopted


54d.   Request Administration look at the Office of Planning and Community Development in terms of its mission and looking at neighborhood revitalization as a significant part of its mission even if it requires changing the name of that particular department.  Motion-Lukes @ #36 CC – Adopted


54e.   Request Traffic Engineer install handicap parking in front of 69 Providence St. on a 90 day trial.  Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


54f.    Request City Manager report to City Council on the status of the Mental Health Department at St. Vincent Hospital/Worcester Medical Center.  Petty – Suspension of Rules


          Councillor Clancy moved to amend:  Further, request City Manager provide specific numbers based on statements made when the TIF was done as to what percentage of St. Vincent Hospital would be used and what programs would stay.


          Councillor Lukes moved to amend:  Further, request City Manager report how the City provides oversight of the TIF, how often this is done and what kind of documentation is required and how the City has responded.


          Order adopted, as amended


54g.   Request Administration, not only in regard to out-of-town sites but out-of-town sites that may be owned by the City of Worcester as well as in-town alternative sites for the purpose of composting and provide City Council with the cost of same and the permitting process.  Further, request City Manager find out what Massport’s position is in regard to location of a composting site at the Airport.   Abraham – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


54h.   Request Administration to request the Worcester Redevelopment Authority to institute a freeze on hiring.  Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


54i.    Request Administration provide City Council with an update on all projects under the jurisdiction of the Worcester Redevelopment Authority.  Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


54j.    Request City Manager report in writing the anticipated timeline for the new fire class.  Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


54k.   Request City Manager report to City Council at the February 29, 2000 City Council meeting on the new fire class, clearly stating all timeframes.  Clancy – Suspension of Rules - Adopted




55.     Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to public safety and youth program information.


Referred to Public Safety Committee


56.     Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to move of North High School to temporary quarters.


Referred to Education Committee


57.     Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to the presentation of the Precision Machining Institute of Central Mass. concerning its future relationship with the programs offered by the Worcester Technical Institute.


Referred to Education Committee


58.     Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to applying for a grant from the U.S. Department of Education for improvement of postsecondary education.


Referred to Education Committee


59.     Karen A. Grubber, Administrative Assistant, Human Resources Coordinator transmitting Annual Report for the Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District for the Period July 1, 1998 – June 30, 1999.


Referred to Public Works Committee


60.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting computation of the legal debt margin for the City of Worcester as of January 31, 2000.


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




61.        That the Worcester City Council go on record in support of the F.I.R.E. (Firefighter Investment and Response) Act, H.R. 1168. (Murray, Abraham, Patton, Irish, Nadeau, Luster, Clancy, Petty, Mariano, Perotto)


Adopted as amended to include Councillor Lukes





a)       #40CC   June 22, 1999


          Order – Request City Council to schedule Finance sessions beginning the first week in January 2000 in order to commence discussions regarding budget issues.   (Lukes)


b)      #41CC   June 22, 1999

          Order – Request City Manager to present a budget for the next fiscal year with a rate of growth that is either at the rate of inflation or excludes new growth, whichever sum is lower.   (Lukes)


c)                 #63CC  September 21, 1999

          Order – Request City Council pledge to maintain the existing tax rate for the next three fiscal years.  Further, request City Council instruct the City Manager to prepare the next three budgets using only “New growth”, state and federal funds and existing tax revenues. (Mariano)


d)                #5B CM  February 8, 2000

          Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Budgetary Projections for FY 01-05.     






63.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the Order of Councillor Michael C. Perotto requesting Education Committee to research any plans for rehab or new construction at the Multiple Intelligence School at Dartmouth St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order requesting the Administration to consider the rehabilitation of restrooms and re-enforcement of the retaining walls at the Multiple Intelligence School at Dartmouth St. as part of the next capital improvements program.


          64-71 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


64.     Transmitting communication relative to Shut Down for Move – Library.


65.     Transmitting communication relative to Library Construction Project.


66.     Transmitting communication relative to Library Construction Project Update.


67.     Transmitting communication relative to the School Building Rehabilitation request.


68.     Transmitting communication relative to School Projects Update.


69.     Transmitting communication relative to a breakdown of the funds used to rehabilitate various Worcester Public School buildings.


70.     Transmitting communication relative to Quarterly School Construction Report.


71.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Upon the Communication of Helen A. Friel, Assistant to the Superintendent/Clerk of the School Committee transmitting communication relative to building rehabilitation projects for Worcester Public Schools: recommend Communication be placed on file.


          72 & 73 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPT ON A ROLL CALL 10-0


72.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager recommending that Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C741, Street Construction and appropriated to Account #41C797, Sidewalks to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various sidewalk projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


73.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager recommending that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C741, Street Construction and appropriated to Account #41C768, Private Street Conversion/Betterments to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various private street conversion/betterment projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.




74.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau requesting Public Works clean sewer at 90 Ward St. at the intersection of Wade St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.


          75-83 ACCEPTED


75.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. and Councillor Janice L. Nadeau requesting Ballard St. be changed in name to Millbury St. when Rte. 146 access road is reconstructed: recommend Petition be placed on file.


76.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Order of Councillor S. Gary Rosen requesting City Manager report on problems associated with the composting operation at Hope Cemetery: recommend Order be placed on file.


77.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Committee on Public Works upon the Order of Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes requesting Public Works Committee review public meeting space in the building and make recommendations:  recommend Report and Order be placed on file.


78.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Committee on Public Works upon the Order of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting City Manager study the feasibility of moving City Council offices to the third floor of City Hall: recommend Report and Order be placed on file.


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.


79.     Transmitting communication relative to Grime Watch Program – Progress Report 5 and 6.


80.     Transmitting communication relative to Underground Storage Tanks.


81.     Transmitting communication relative to yard Waste Drop-off Sites.


82.     Transmitting communication relative to Compost Site/Hope Cemetery.


83.     Transmitting communication relative to cost of making Barry Road Extension public. 




          84-87 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 10-0


84.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to install resident permit parking on both sides of Berkshire St. 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.


85.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 8 Auburn St.


86.     Amending Section 33(f)(2) of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit right turns on a red traffic signal for northbound traffic on Southbridge St. at Cambridge St.


87.     Amending Section 33(f)(2) of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit right turns on a red traffic signal for eastbound traffic on Cambridge St. at Southbridge St.


TABLED ITEMS  - No Action Taken


88.     Communication of the City Manager recommending that Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents ($12,688.50) be transferred from Account 331-46, Belmont Home Retained Earnings and appropriated to Account 045S505, Belmont Home Advertising, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for advertising costs for proposed sale of the Belmont Home. (Tabled 11/19/96)


89.     Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to consider using the current site of the Vocational School, on the side of the Boys Club, as park land after discontinuance of use as a Vocational School. (Tabled 10/13/98)


90.     Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to consider eliminating the softball field on the Belmont St. side of the Vocational School site plan. (Tabled 10/20/98)


91.     Chairman’s Order from Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee – Request Administration to reconsider keeping educationally sound, the size of the parking area for the new Vocational School. (Tabled 10/20/98)


92.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Jonathan Finkelstein, Esquire on behalf of Smallwood Village Associates, Inc. requesting City of Worcester make Travis St. public. (Tabled 1/12/99)


93.     Tabled In Part – Order – Request Administration report on whether the Worcester Redevelopment Authority intends to sell the tax credits of the Union Station Project, the value of the tax credits, the intended use of the proceeds of the sale and further, request City Manager to request the Worcester Redevelopment Authority to forbear from the sale.   (Lukes)

          Tabled – request City Manager to request the Worcester Redevelopment Authority to forbear from the sale (Tabled 9/7/99)


94.        REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting Traffic Engineer to consider a turning lane indicating “right turn only” for  northbound traffic on Grafton St. at the intersection of Sunderland Rd.: recommend Petition be denied.  (Tabled 1/4/00)


95.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to “Right Turn Only” lane for northbound traffic on Grafton St. at the intersection of Sunderland Rd.: recommend Communication be denied.      (Tabled 1/4/00)


96.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Lawrence A. Brodeur, Attorney on behalf of Reed & Prince Manufacturing Corp. and Horizon’s Development Association, Inc. requesting an alteration and relocation of Waller Ave. to create an access drive for the proposed supermarket and a private parking area for three residential properties on Waller Ave.  All work to be completed in accordance with a Definitive Site Plan Approval by the Planning Board.   (Tabled 2/1/00)






    5:00 P.M.                             AFFAIRS



FEBRUARY 22, 2000              LAND USE           COUNCIL CHAMBER

    5:30 P.M.



FEBRUARY 28, 2000              PUBLIC WORKS

VIEWS ONLY –   3:00 P.M. – Upper Blackstone Water Pollution

Abatement District

Enter from Southwest Cutoff


4:00 P.M. – Ballard St. Incinerator Site


5:00 P.M. – Current Leaf Composting Operation

off Goddard Memorial Dr.

View to include the entrance to proposed

Location of Leaf Composting Operation

On Airport Dr. Near Pumping Station

Closest to Prouty Lane



MARCH 1, 2000             PUBLIC WORKS          COUNCIL CHAMBER

    6:00 P.M.



MARCH 9, 2000             EDUCATION                 COUNCIL CHAMBER

    5:30 P.M.


MARCH 9, 2000             COMMERCE &             COUNCIL CHAMBER

    7:00 P.M.                    DEVELOPMENT